Publishing Content that’s Appealing or Enlightening

News 10:04 April 2024:

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Use applicable hash tags in your posts. Tweets with hash tags get more engagement, and will help you attract new followers searching for the keywords you used. Ask for retweets. Tweets that contain ‘Please Retweet in their text get more retweets and ultimately get you free followers. Find people you know by including your email contacts to Twitter. They are likely to follow you back, since they know you in real life. Incorporate images with your tweets.  Tweets with pictures receive more traffic than those without. Promote your Twitter account on all your marketing materials. This includes your business cards, brochures, signs and your website.

Use your photo in your profile picture, not your logo. No one wants to follow a faceless brand name. Show there’s a real human being behind your brand by using a personal photo.

Use WordPressTweet This or plugin to insert content boxes on your website or blog. These are great for getting your site visitors to tweet your content, expanding your reach for free followers. Lure people by mentioning exciting debates you’re engaged with on Twitter.